Représentation de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï-Lama

84 bd Adolphe Pinard

75014 PARIS

TEL: (1)46 56 54 53  < FAX: (1)46 56 08 18 < EMAIL: TIBETPARIS@AOL.COM

Mr Sonam Norbu DHAGPO

Additional Secretary




On 4th October 2004

Dear Sonam Norbu la :

We would like to bring to your notice about projects submission by Mr Benjamin LISAN, a French

national, who has in the past, participated in the March for Tibet from Dharamsala to Bir.

Born in 1955, Mr Lisan is a computer engineer and has worked for private and public enterprises in

France, Germany and Belgium.

Mr Benjamin Lisan vide his letter of 12 September 2004 sent to this office with a stack of document

in French on different projects whose gist we are giving to you as under. Although, he informs us

thé lack of any concrete financial resources, his main objective is to open a polyvalent engineering

and technical school ( construction, civil engineering, telephone, TV, chemistry, geology,

agriculture, computer sciences, etc..) for Tibetans in Dharamsala in line with the French model

institution called INSA in Lyon.

We have informed Mr Lisan about the project priorities laid down by the Planning Commission and

advised him that should there arise any concrete opportunity, it would be advisable for him to

participate in the implementation of the prioritised projects of our exile administration.

This is a summarised presentation of the projects Mr Lisan has submitted :

1. Project to provide high quality plastic films to insulate habitations in Zangskar.

Budget : not evaluated precisely since the needs are extremely high.

2. Flame of Hope for Democracy and Human Rights in China.

Time frame : before 2008 Olympic Games in China.

The project consists of organising a mass marathon from Copenhagen to Rome. It should take 58

days. The starting point can also be Amsterdam which means lesser days for marathon.

Budget : considerable and to be self-fînanced by the would-be participants. To seek help from



3. Marathon for Democracy in Tibet and China

23 days run from La Rochelle ( Atlantic sea town of north western France) to Geneva

No time frame.

Budget : 15 Euros per day per head, to be self-financed by the would-be participants.

4. European Tour of TYC

Time frame : autumn and winter 2004

Budget : 1220 Euros (non inclusive of within Europe expenses). To bring 3 TYC members from

India. Seek coordination for their trip in France and other parts of Europe through TSG networks.

5. March for Tibet

42 days march in the Pyrenean mountain chains (bordering Spain)

No precise time frame.

Budget : to be self-financed by the would-be participants.

For obvious reasons, we are not submitting here some files which has to do with the projects

already applied or implemented in the areas not relevant to India/ Nepal.

Yours sincerely, A                

 copie to Mr Benjamin LISAN

             16 rue de la Fontaine du But

     75018 PARIS (France)

    E mail : benjamin.lisan@free.fr


Wangpo BASHI
