Index of /file/eau/retenues-barrages/images
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
haie_vive6_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 372
khettaras_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 384
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 454
Jessour_bis_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 520
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 534
haie_vive2_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 547
haie_vive3_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 740
cordon_de_pierre2_te..> 2015-08-08 14:05 814
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 820
haie_vive4_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 1.0K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 1.1K
khettaras2_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 1.2K
Jessour_bis2_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 1.2K
haie_vive5_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 1.2K
Meskat_texte1.txt 2015-08-08 14:06 1.3K
khettaras3_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 1.3K
cordon_de_pierre_tex..> 2015-08-08 14:05 1.3K
Measuring the slope ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 1.3K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 1.4K
citerne_matfia_texte..> 2015-08-08 14:05 1.4K
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 1.5K
Bund dimensions2.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 1.6K
seguia_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:06 1.6K
Diversion ditch.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 1.8K
Bund dimensions.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 2.0K
Construction of ston..> 2015-08-08 14:05 2.0K
Jessour_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 2.0K
Meskat_texte2.txt 2015-08-08 14:06 2.1K
haie_vive_texte.txt 2015-08-08 14:05 2.3K
Infiltration pit wit..> 2015-08-08 14:05 2.5K
Contour ridge dimens..> 2015-08-08 14:05 2.6K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 2.7K
Design variations.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 2.9K
Contour stone bund_d..> 2015-08-08 14:05 3.1K
Contour ridges_layou..> 2015-08-08 14:05 3.1K
Setting out of level..> 2015-08-08 14:06 3.3K
Trapezoidal bund_sta..> 2015-08-08 14:06 3.4K
Contour ridges_field..> 2015-08-08 14:05 3.6K
Planting site for se..> 2015-08-08 14:06 3.6K
Dam dimensions.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 4.0K
Design variation_con..> 2015-08-08 14:05 4.0K
Protection of wingti..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.1K
Trapezoidal bund_div..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.1K
Planting configurati..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.4K
Impala Pilot Water S..> 2015-08-08 14:05 4.4K
External catchment s..> 2015-08-08 14:05 4.4K
Infiltration pit and..> 2015-08-08 14:05 4.5K
Semi-circular bund_L..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.5K
Microcatchment unit.gif 2015-08-08 14:06 4.5K
Floodwater farming s..> 2015-08-08 14:05 4.5K
Use of the line leve..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.6K
Microcatchment syste..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.6K
Setting out of grade..> 2015-08-08 14:06 4.8K
meskat2.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 5.2K
V-shaped microcatchm..> 2015-08-08 14:06 5.3K
Contour bunds for tr..> 2015-08-08 14:05 5.4K
Gabion spillway.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 6.3K
Permeable rock dams_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 6.5K
Spacing of rock dams..> 2015-08-08 14:06 6.9K
Teras system_Eastern..> 2015-08-08 14:06 7.0K
meskat3.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 7.0K
Trapezoidal bund_det..> 2015-08-08 14:06 7.5K
Trapezoidal bunds_fi..> 2015-08-08 14:06 7.9K
Permeable rock dams_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 7.9K
meskat1.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 8.3K
Semi-circular bund d..> 2015-08-08 14:06 8.6K
Semi-circular bunds_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 8.9K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 9.1K
meskat system.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 9.4K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 9.6K
semi-circular.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 10K
Flow diversion syste..> 2015-08-08 14:05 10K
contour-ridges.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 10K
Interception ditch.gif 2015-08-08 14:05 10K
Contour stone bunds_..> 2015-08-08 14:05 10K
Wadi-bed stonewalls ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 11K
Ridger in action_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 11K
small-pit-zay-system..> 2015-08-08 14:06 11K
The hillside runoff ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 12K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 12K
cordon_de_pierre.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 12K
johad2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 12K
Small earth dam_brok..> 2015-08-08 14:06 12K
zai3_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 13K
An eyebrow terrace s..> 2015-08-08 14:05 13K
johad.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 13K
Trapezoidal bund dim..> 2015-08-08 14:06 13K
tabia.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 13K
Semi-circular bund d..> 2015-08-08 14:06 13K
A meskat system supp..> 2015-08-08 14:05 14K
cisterns.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 14K
inter-row-systems.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 14K
Système Vallerani2_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 14K
meskat.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 14K
retenue-collinaire_s..> 2015-08-08 14:06 14K
Ancient Jessour.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 14K
Ridger in action.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 15K
Runoff strips under ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 15K
The negarim allows r..> 2015-08-08 14:06 15K
jessour-of-tunisia.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 15K
small-farm-reservoir..> 2015-08-08 14:06 15K
demi-lune3_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 15K
technique selection.gif 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
A runoff strip plant..> 2015-08-08 14:05 16K
wadi-bed-cultivation..> 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
Sorghum in wadi.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
murettes de terre.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
Use of water tube le..> 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
contour--bench-terra..> 2015-08-08 14:05 16K
Construction of cont..> 2015-08-08 14:05 16K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 16K
large-bunds-tabia.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 17K
barrage5_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 17K
Diguettes filtrantes..> 2015-08-08 14:05 17K
A mechanized impleme..> 2015-08-08 14:05 17K
Système Vallerani7_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 17K
Système Vallerani_s..> 2015-08-08 14:06 18K
cuvette_ss.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 18K
Layout of semi-circu..> 2015-08-08 14:05 18K
Fixation des dunes a..> 2015-08-08 14:05 19K
Système Vallerani3_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 19K
zai.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 19K
demi-lune_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 20K
Contour ridges suppo..> 2015-08-08 14:05 20K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 20K
Spillway.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 20K
Demi Lunes basin reh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 21K
Cisterns are vital t..> 2015-08-08 14:05 21K
Ancient roman tanks ..> 2015-08-08 14:05 21K
Setting out a contou..> 2015-08-08 14:06 21K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 21K
Stone bund under con..> 2015-08-08 14:06 21K
contours_billons_sur..> 2015-08-08 14:05 21K
sous-solage_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 22K
Traditional system i..> 2015-08-08 14:06 22K
Meskat1 suite.gif 2015-08-08 14:06 22K
Stone bunds.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 23K
impluvium2_ss.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 23K
citerne_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 23K
typical tapia.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 24K
Stonewalls_if proper..> 2015-08-08 14:06 24K
A mechanized impleme..> 2015-08-08 14:05 25K
A water-harvesting s..> 2015-08-08 14:05 25K
Proper construction ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 25K
Contour stone bund.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 25K
The sustainability o..> 2015-08-08 14:06 25K
Contour ridge system..> 2015-08-08 14:05 25K
Educational material..> 2015-08-08 14:05 25K
The zay system conce..> 2015-08-08 14:06 25K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 26K
zai2_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 26K
barrage.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 26K
Small farm waterharv..> 2015-08-08 14:06 27K
contour ridge_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 27K
Système Vallerani6_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 27K
Hillside terraces.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 27K
Wadi-bed stonewalls ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 28K
barrage4_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 28K
Khadin.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 28K
demi-lune2_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 29K
Système Vallerani5_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 29K
A row of Jessour in ..> 2015-08-08 14:05 29K
Semi-circular bunds ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 29K
Pits created by a pi..> 2015-08-08 14:06 29K
The hillside runoff ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 30K
Negarim microcatchme..> 2015-08-08 14:06 30K
jessour_peu_sophisti..> 2015-08-08 14:05 30K
banse_semi_lunaire_s..> 2015-08-08 14:05 31K
Paillage réalisé a..> 2015-08-08 14:06 31K
zai3.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 31K
Jessour system in Tu..> 2015-08-08 14:05 32K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 32K
negarim_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 32K
retenue-collinaire2_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 32K
Negarim system_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 33K
barrage2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 33K
trench bunds.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 33K
Spreader bund.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 34K
Checkdams.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 35K
demi-lune3.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 36K
retenue-collinaire.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 36K
Système Vallerani8_..> 2015-08-08 14:06 36K
negarim2_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 37K
Traditional water ha..> 2015-08-08 14:06 37K
Group of ancient jes..> 2015-08-08 14:05 38K
bande_de_ruisselleme..> 2015-08-08 14:05 38K
haie_vive6_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 39K
The Kimseed pitting ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 40K
Contour bunds for tr..> 2015-08-08 14:05 40K
barrage3.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 41K
cordon_de_pierre2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 42K
Diguettes filtrantes..> 2015-08-08 14:05 42K
impluvium_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 42K
Jessour_bis_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 42K
Water spreading syst..> 2015-08-08 14:06 43K
Sorghum in Zaï pits..> 2015-08-08 14:06 43K
khettaras_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 43K
haie_vive2_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 44K
Système Vallerani.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 44K
The negarim allows r..> 2015-08-08 14:06 45K
Rainwater harvesting..> 2015-08-08 14:06 46K
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 46K
Constitution and ope..> 2015-08-08 14:05 48K
Système Vallerani2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 48K
Jessour in Southern ..> 2015-08-08 14:05 50K
tanks-and-hafair.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 51K
Almonds-olives-palms..> 2015-08-08 14:05 53K
demi-lune.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 54K
composants du meskat..> 2015-08-08 14:05 56K
bund_s1.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 57K
cuvette_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 58K
Reconstruction of an..> 2015-08-08 14:06 58K
contours_billons_sur..> 2015-08-08 14:05 59K
jessour_peu_sophisti..> 2015-08-08 14:05 60K
sous-solage.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 60K
murets.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 61K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 61K
Système Vallerani7.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 61K
Fixation des dunes a..> 2015-08-08 14:05 63K
haie_vive3_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 63K
Demi Lunes basin reh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 64K
Système Vallerani3.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 67K
Meskat1 suite_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 67K
Negarim system.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 68K
Système Vallerani8.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 70K
demi-lune2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 71K
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 72K
cordon_de_pierre2_te..> 2015-08-08 14:05 74K
impluvium2_s.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 82K
banse_semi_lunaire.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 83K
Zai Newly dug tassa.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 84K
haie_vive4_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 85K
Système Vallerani6.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 86K
tabia2_texte.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 94K
Système Vallerani5.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 96K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 96K
barrage4.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 97K
retenue-collinaire2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 99K
negarim2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 100K
The sustainability o..> 2015-08-08 14:06 101K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 103K
bande_de_ruisselleme..> 2015-08-08 14:05 103K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 103K
bund.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 103K
Jessour_bis2_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 108K
Constitution and ope..> 2015-08-08 14:05 109K
haie_vive5_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 112K
Diguettes filtrantes..> 2015-08-08 14:05 113K
Paillage réalisé a..> 2015-08-08 14:06 113K
cordon_de_pierre_tex..> 2015-08-08 14:05 113K
zai2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 115K
Small farm waterharv..> 2015-08-08 14:06 115K
negarim.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 115K
contour ridge.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 116K
citerne_matfia_texte..> 2015-08-08 14:05 121K
impluvium.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 122K
Semi-circular bunds ..> 2015-08-08 14:06 124K
khettaras2_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 125K
Matfia_etatique_makh..> 2015-08-08 14:05 126K
Meskat_texte1.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 129K
cuvettes_en_demi-lun..> 2015-08-08 14:05 130K
cuvette.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 139K
khettaras3_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 139K
tabia_texte.jpeg 2015-08-08 14:06 143K
citerne.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 157K
Fixation des dunes a..> 2015-08-08 14:05 163K
Traditional water ha..> 2015-08-08 14:06 168K
seguia_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 176K
barrage5.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 184K
haie_vive_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 188K
composants du meskat..> 2015-08-08 14:05 195K
Meskat_texte2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:06 216K
Jessour_texte.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 216K
impluvium2.jpg 2015-08-08 14:05 238K
Bandes enherbées co..> 2015-08-08 14:05 294K
Paillage réalisé a..> 2015-08-08 14:06 331K
Sorghum in Zaï pits..> 2015-08-08 14:06 433K