Terra Preta de Indio
Soil Biogeochemistry
Johannes Lehmann



The Terra Preta Network


Network activities on Amazonian Dark Earths


As a result of international meetings with sessions on aspects of Terra Preta in Spain and Rio de Janeiro in 2001, a network of scientists interested in research on Amazonian dark earths was formed under the leadership of Dirse Kern from the Museo Goeldi in Belem, Brazil.

The network organized the First International Workshop on Anthropogenic Terra Preta Soils in Manaus, Brazil (Kern, Falcao, Teixeira, Woods, Sombroek, Lehmann).

An article in the August 9 issue of the magazine Science reported on the event and a production by BBC was released on December 19, 2002 (BBC Two at 9pm) under the title of "The Secret of Eldorado" (http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2002/eldorado.shtml):

Impression from "the set":



Additional information on Terra Preta can be obtained from the following web pages at the Museo Goeldi and the University of Bayreuth. Eprida has a web page on the use of incompletely combusted materials and its use in soil amelioration stimulated by Terra Preta Research.

Features on Terra Preta in the public media appeared in:

The Atlantic Monthly: http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2002/03/mann.htm
BBC World Service Brazil Edition: http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/ciencia/story/2004/01/040106_terrapretaml.shtml
National Public Radio, Earth and Sky: http://www.earthsky.com/shows/edgeshow.php?t=20030304
German Television ZDF: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/17/0,1872,2064657,00.html
Abenteuer Wissen: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/24/0,1872,2063896,00.html
The New Farm: http://www.newfarm.org/news/041803/drdon_soil_p3.shtml
AgroAmazonia: http://www.revistaagroamazonia.com.br/10pesquisa-02.htm
Terra Green - New to Save the Earth: http://www.teriin.org/terragreen/issue52/facts.htm